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A constantly curious and melancholic wanderer...

Friday, August 16, 2019

the answer is blowing in the wind

This morning as I looked out on my balcony and saw the wind blowing playfully through the leaves, I thought about God and how I have always known that I can feel Him most when the wind is blowing...

I find the wind pretty magical.  You can't see it, yet you can see where it goes and the effects it has on everything it touches. The object can't not be touched by the wind, yet it might stand completely still like a pole, scared of the changes that might come if it allows the wind to move it.  Or like a tree or a feather or a windmill, it can let the wind do its thing and dance or twirl or spin - sometimes maybe even a bit out of control, but always guided by something Bigger.

I also love the sound of the wind as it rustles and blows and whistles all around us. One of my favourite memories of our wedding day was looking up at the huge trees we were surrounded by and hearing the almost sacred sound of the wind whispering through the tree tops.  I knew God was there, just like He was there this morning and like He is here every single day.  We can't "see" Him, but we can hear him and feel him and allow Him every day to guide us through this dance called Life.

Just listen to His gentle whispers in the wind...

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