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A constantly curious and melancholic wanderer...

Friday, August 9, 2019

clean, cleaner, cleanse...

I always have extraordinary, crazy and sometimes life-changing ideas...

Like everyday basically I am just thinking of new ideas - new ways to cook old recipes as I get bored with doing the same things.
New and fun ways to keep my children's imagination alive. New ways to do the same boring routines that will make us function more effectively.
New ways to improve the aged care society in Mauritius in a creative way that fights all the systems and red tape and bureaucracy.

More than half of these ideas don't work out and then I need to get new ideas, so the cycle continues...

One of my recent bright ideas was to have a bit of a cleanse of bad habits... I have mentioned that I am doing 40 day fast from social media.  This has been hard in some ways (#FOMO), but really rewarding in other ways (more time for blogging, photography and just living).

I felt my aura (I don't really know what this means, but like to make use of the word) was not clean enough yet and as we struggled to get back into our usual healthy(ish) eating habits, I decided a soup and juice cleanse was just the way to go to get rid of the last bits that are keeping me from reaching my full potential!!  Here are the results

Day 1:  Menu

Upon Rising:  Liver Cleansing Drink filled with Lemon and Cayenne Pepper
I am a strong and healthy woman who can do hard thinks, I think as I gulp down the lemony, peppery drink instead of my normal cup of Rooibos Tea, followed very quickly with a strong cup of black coffee...
Emotional Status:  Energetic and ready for this cleanse.

Breakfast:  Green God Smoothie (yes that is the actual name)
Looking at the green thick smoothie (and I actually love adding greens to my smoothies, but this is just soooooo green) and building up the courage to drink it.  The taste is okay.  Not bad, not good.  It definitely is not my preferred breakfast, but still going strong. 
Emotional Status:  Wondering what is next on the menu.

Mid-morning/Early afternoon:  Turmeric Teaser Soup
I am between 3 different kid activities, including a vaccination for my 1 year old and don't have time to sit and eat the soup from a bowl.  Thank goodness it is so thin, I can drink it from a glass jar, same as the juices and smoothie.  I have never drank hot soup from a glass jar.  This is so adventurous I think as the turmeric tingels my senses and I wonder what else is in this soup.  Halfway through, I have decided that I don't really like to drink thin hot soup from a glass jar, but I need to finish it now, because hunger pangs are starting to attack me. 
Emotional Status:  Slightly adventurous; slightly worried about the journey that lies ahead. 

Afternoon:  Beetroot Booster Soup
This is a slightly thicker soup, with a beautiful colour.  Again, I don't have time to sit and eat 
the soup, so it goes into another glass jar.  I start drinking the soup, reminding myself how very good these veggies are going to be for me....  I take a few more sips.  Thick hot soup in a glass jar is even less my thing than hot thin soup in a glass jar, I think as I seriously consider my ability to make any good decisions.  I don't even like soup.  I tolerate soup.  Why am I on a soup and juice detox?  Why is my head bursting with pain?  Why do I have to get all these brilliant ideas all the time????
Emotional Status:  Feeling slightly unstable

Late afternoon:  Enigma Juice
I forgot this juice at home and now have a playdate with a friend and her little girl.  I can't even see through my eyes, my head is so sore.  I am having coffee - I declare to whoever wants to know and get a black coffee to go. lt's really nice, but it doesn't help my headache or energy levels at all.  And now I have cheated on the detox already and it is day 1.  By the end of the playdate I am nauseous and light-headed.  I need food!!!  Donuts are starting to look good to me and I never eat stuff like that.  I am glaring at the kids eating their snacks, pretending it is my mouth that is busy chewing.  People need to chew.  This surely must be a basic human right.  It is actually in-humane to force people through a detox to stop chewing.  Note to self:  Read up about basic human rights and chewing.  I have to still drive home with two kids and feel like I cannot put one foot in front of another.  I get home safely and see the husband is not home yet.  And this after I send him an emergency message to tell him he needs to come home.  I am basically almost dying.  He did not even read the message yet.  And the kids are asking me for supper.  I gulp down the Enigma Juice in hope of some energy.  I still feel like shit.  I eat raw almonds and a banana and it gives me just enough strength to feed the kids and put one in the bath.  Husband arrives home.  He looks completely fine.  I would give him a death-stare, but all my muscles have stopped working.  I eat a few more nuts. 
Emotional Status:  Code Red!!

Evening:  Green Machine Soup
I cannot even try to imagine myself eating green soup after this day.  My husband bravely warms his soup and eat/drink it.  I eat a whole avocado, climb into bed, wishing I was dead.  Because there are two more days of exactly the same menu ahead of us and so definitely nothing worth living for...
Emotional Status:  Dead

Ps.  It is day 3 and I feel great. We didn't stick to it 100%, but we did do really well I think.  I don't know if these detoxes are always the greatest ideas, but I can feel my body feeling lighter and cleaner and I am definitely excited  and more motivated to just get back into normal "clean eating".
I will post my own version of a cleanse in some time, which is more do-able and less severe on the body, but still great for a kick-start to new and good eating habits.

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