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A constantly curious and melancholic wanderer...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New York Day 8 and 9

Day 8 - My least favourite day in New York

All the late nights and funny eating finally got to me and I really wasn't feeling well on New Year's Eve.  We walked around a bit in Times Square, looking at how they getting ready for the evening's event.  We were on our way to do our planned activities for the day, but had to take a rest in Grand Central Station as I couldn't go on.  So we went to fetch our bags from Hotel Pensylvania and we went to our hotel for the evening - the Hotel Jane in Greenwich Village...Here are some photos I managed to take on the way to the hotel.

The Jane is a beautiful old hotel.  Some of the negative points:  miniature rooms, bunk beds and a heating system that worked overtime.  But we slept and ate some sushi and watched the beginning of the New Year on TV.  Even though we couldn't be in Times Square and even though I felt sick, I still got to kiss my favourite person at 00h00 which makes everything better.

Day 9 - my most favourite day in New York

I was still not feeling 100%, but it was our last day in NY, so I decided to brave the outside world again. I  just love Greenwich Village.  First of all - no tourists :) (well except maybe two tourists) and it really is so charming and beautiful.  We decided to just have a chill day and do whatever we feel like at whatever pace we feel like doing it.

First we went to look at the river view right next to the hotel.  So beautiful :)

A get-better-soon-kiss from Jaco :)

Another view of The Jane

An awesome coffee shop we discovered on our adventures.

Very bohemian like and they've got the same poster of a Jacques Tati movie that we have in our house.

A beautiful street view

I love these little penguin decorations in the display window.  Most shops here, we discovered only open at 11h00 AM.

I wish our homes had stairways like these.  Lots of romantic gestures can happen here I'm sure...

Having fun in the streets :)

Lots of  cute restaurants and coffee shops all over

This house got stuck in Halloween (or they just really hate Christmas)

We had brunch at a place called "The Place".  It was really nice and we were joined by lots of people with hangovers from the previous night.

Outside "The Place"

After exploring Greenwich Village, we decided to go to Little Italy.

On Mulberry Street

Some Sophia Blackall art as a window display,  I love her and follow her blog Missed Connections.  You can check it out here.

Interesting wall art :)

We didn't eat here, but the food is apparently amazing

Jaco and one of his favourite shows

You can buy awesome movie posters here - mostly of Italian actors and movies :)

For our last trip before we had to leave for the airport , we decided to go to Brooklyn

The Brooklyn bridge peaking out

No time for movies, but would have loved to see Hitchcock

Beautiful Brooklyn

The Brooklyn Promenade was the perfect ending to our NY trip

We then had to rush off to catch the train to the airport to be on our way to the airport and to Paris :)  What a wonderful time we had in The City that Never Sleeps!

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